With 25 years of professional writing and editing experience, Courtney specializes in travel features, novel and non-fiction book editing, and ghostwriting.
featured TRAVEL work
Accor - Live Limitless
ALL – Accor Live Limitless is a lifestyle loyalty program that goes beyond hotels and perks. They offer truly spectacular experiences and reward you when you live, work, and play. Whether you’re at home or away, they help you live a life without limits.

Not one, but three rivers run through Pittsburgh, demanding an extensive network of bridges, 446 to be exact. These bridges serve as an allegory for the city’s dynamic connectedness as if threading each neighborhood’s intricate personality into one captivating piece of fabric…

…that evening, I came home just past dark, after a solitary sketching on a bench at the l’arc de Triomphe. In front of my bedroom was a cart, holding three exquisite desserts and a small card that said, “Pour ma petite américaine.” There were no more words to be said. This was Madame’s truce. I was still her daughter.

Close your eyes to envision a tranquil place and you could easily conjure Mont Tremblant. Quebec’s open-air playground is a palette of green and blue come summer: balsam fir, birch and spruce trees meet blue skies above and blue waters below. Water sports beckon in concert with endless hiking paths into the Laurentian Mountains…

Teaching English in Prague: Realities Behind the Illusions
Ads for the drive-thru service of becoming a certified English as a foreign language teacher in Prague in only a month’s time hold many illusions. This is what I wish the websites and informational brochures had told me…
featured Literary Fiction

Midwest Review – University of Wisconsin - Wacere
…Proud pines occupied the land from here on, disrupted only by the black drive past their trunks. I rolled down the window to suck in a greedy gulp of their fumes, an earthen and lemony twang that tickled the tip of my nose. Inside the thick woods the sun reduced to nothing more than a pulsing strobe, golden pumps flashing between the trees, golden pompoms of light that left circular negatives on my retinas. I was nearly blind by the time the drive transformed to a parking lot, which sat empty save for a white bus and two old pick-up trucks.
featured fashion work

Inspirato Magazine
No era’s look is more quickly identified with the flirty cat-eye glasses of the 1940s and ‘50s. Claimed by the likes of Marilyn Monroe, this look-at-me design does wonders for round, oval, and diamond face shapes.

City Buzz
As its name implies, Sepia tones alight the ambiance with a sexy and chic mood lighting while elegant touches like candles, stunning chandeliers, and warm brick walls relax you before the wine hits your lips. Transformed from an old printing building from 1890, the restoration is nothing short of spectacular.

Budget Fashionista
If there’s one country that has dictated the fashion world more than any other, it’s of course, France. The daily fashion dictation coming out of this Texas-sized nation has more glam and sophistication than what most countries offer in a century.
featured lifestyle work

Having trouble narrowing down your apartment options? Is more than one apartment speaking to you—as in, I’m the one! Or is your lease ending soon and the thought of finding another apartment scaring you?…

Société Perrier
The world is getting exponentially smarter. Your phone alone can tell you how to walk from your house to anywhere on the planet, what the weather will be like for the journey, and even what to wear. Cars, computers, robots, they’re all getting smarter. But what about fashion — can it get smarter?’

Der unsichtbare Pulsschlag der Stadt Frankfurt schlaegt im Roomers Hotel’. So schwaermt Bloggerin Courtney Lochner von Societe Perrier. Wer wie sie in die Welt des Roomers eintaucht, verlaesst die Normalitaet des Alltags und betritt eine neue Welt- inspirierend, mystisch, berauschend und atemberaubend schoen. die die besondere Atmosphaere auch fuer die eigenen vier Waende erlebbar macht.

Marketing Werks
Forty-four years ago, the U.S. Congress designated August 26th as “Women’s Equality Day.” Forty-four years may sound like a long time if referring to the length of time a restaurant holds top honors in Chicago, or maybe when it’s the number of candles on your cake—but for something as important as women’s equality, forty-four years is but a blip.

…We live in a fast world, as Bueller famously said, “life is fast, blink and you might miss it.” Our society is full of hacks, shortcuts, and AI improvements to the way we live and work—how then, can we cheat our way to the front of the line of self-discovery for what is likely humanity’s greatest question? There is no Cliff’s Notes version for this journey, but as it turns out, and as much as I dislike the term—there is indeed a shortcut…

The LGBTQI+ Community Has Been Excluded in Psychedelic Research, But That May Be Changing
A look at the ugly past and a possibly bright future.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane. The year is 1969. Nixon is president, homosexuality is a criminal offense, and Charles Manson is on the loose. But hey, it’s not all bad. Homosexuals can now legally order alcohol in New York state (note my sarcasm).